Cochin, Kerala, India Photoblog

Cochin, Kerala, India Photos.


Farm scene
Village woman shows off her son, near the village well among the hen and cocks.
Rinsy at the water well
Cow at the well near the crib.
Farm scene
The three wise men.
Nativity scene, the Birth of Christ enacted at a village crib for Christmas in Mangalore.
Smiling Eyes
Ashram Director
Mother watches over her ill child in the Ashram hospital
Silent Night, Holy Night in the Ashram, God looks after those who are abandoned by this world in the Ashram.
Infant Jesus and Mother Mary at the Mass in the Ashram prayer room.
A church in the ashram for communion
Ashram inmate, an ill patient.
Ashram Kitchen Staff
Ashram staff
Ashram workers in Mangalore
Merry Christmas from Kakkinje, Belatangadi, Karnataka near Mangalore.
So get the start of the majestic world,
And bear the palm alone.
-- Cassius in Julius Caesar.

They are sheep and calves
which seek out assurance in that.
I will speak to this fellow.
Whose grave's this, sirrah?
-- Hamlet, Shakespeare.

Ways to Travel
Outdoor publicity
Go Green says the poster in Cochin/Kochi.
Yellow and Blue are the colours of the sky and sea.